Liberation through a magaZINE
- Hilary Clark
Politics - I can’t help but imagine a man in a very gray suit, exaggerated expression on his face, standing at a podium enthusiastically bashing his opponent at the next “anything” elections. I always feel like elections never end, like they’re on the repeat cycle, lawns covered in foreign faces all claiming to be the “best man for the job.” Push the image aside and insert Hilary Clark’s quote for some serious thinking. And then it hits me, she’s absolutely right! A zine is a statement; of appreciation, of anger, or even about yourself. It never occurred to me as I sat downstairs on the floor in the comm area of my high school that my assignment was actually a form of expression. With two friends, a pair of scissors, a glue stick and my thinking cap, I took part in a political act!
Being a youth in today’s world can be rough. I can’t complain, I haven’t experienced being young in another decade, but one thing I’m almost positive about is that it often feels like you can’t be heard. After learning about zines, and then getting the opportunity to produce one, the feeling is most liberating. The unfortunate part is that not too many students know what a zine is, or they may falsely believe they can’t produce one. Being able to speak out; speak freely and send a message out in the world without fear of getting into trouble is something new to me and maybe for many others also. As youth, we need to reclaim our right just as Hilary Clark states. It’s our time to shine! (Of course all in good fun, emphasis on the good.) Maybe I don’t speak for everyone, but I speak for myself when I say I feel sheltered, controlled by fear to speak my mind on most days. Putting together a zine is liberating, probably more so when you’re not doing it for the grade! So I dare you – speak up, scream out, put it all down on paper and liberate yourselves!
♥ aykay
I feel like creating something after reading this! I can relate to what you are saying about self-sensoring due to fear of not being understood. Great response.
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